September 11, 2010

Employee Engagement

According to Gallup, "The world's top-performing organizations understand that employee engagement is a force that drives performance outcomes. In the best organizations, engagement is more than a human resources initiative -- it is a strategic foundation for the way they do business.

Research by Gallup and others shows that engaged employees are more productive. They are more profitable, more customer-focused, safer, and more likely to withstand temptations to leave. The best-performing companies know that an employee engagement improvement strategy linked to the achievement of corporate goals will help them win in the marketplace".

Gallup go on to say that "In world-class organizations, the ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees is 9.57:1.
In average organizations, the ratio of engaged to actively disengaged employees is 1.83:1.
Actively disengaged employees erode an organization's bottom line while breaking the spirits of colleagues in the process. Within the U.S. workforce, Gallup estimates this cost to be more than $300 billion in lost productivity alone. In stark contrast, world-class organizations with an engagement ratio near 8:1 greatly reduce the negative impact of actively disengaged employees while unleashing the organization's potential for rapid growth".

It seems that Gallup are saying what Measurable Management has been preaching for over a decade in that the best consultants an organization could have already work for it. Measurable Management provides a simple easy to implement solution to engaging the workforce and unleashing their potential. I invite anyone who has experienced Measurable Management either as a facilitator or as a participant to comment here and offer their opinions. Many thanks to my friend Scott Purcell for sending me the article.

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