August 3, 2010

Food For Thought

I was in Houston TX about a week ago meeting oil companies, construction companies and Interfaith Ministries. These meetings were arranged by Amos and Michelle Benning of Nehemiah Performance Inc who are based in Houston and their hospitality was just wonderful.

It was a very interesting mix of organizations consisting of wealthy companies developing some of the world's largest construction projects, some refining oil and providing gas for our cars and trucks and another organization trying to find money to feed the homeless and disadvantaged. It reminded me of when I was in Johannesburg, South Africa training Measurable Management facilitators. One minute I was in the most opulent boardrooms I'd ever seen and the next I was in Soweto township looking at people carving out an existence in a corrugated and cardboard shanty town.

These extremes exist side by side and organizations like Interfaith Ministries work long and hard to help those who need it most. A key issue that I discussed with their CFO Sherri Cabler was "How do we find the funds to put an extra 2000 meals per day on the table?" Imagine the satisfaction if Measurable Management can help Interfaith deliver a result like this. To learn more about this organization just click on the title of this blog post.

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