April 13, 2010

Putting Out Fires

It's been an interesting ten days or so engaging financial companies, supermarket chains and telephone companies. My most enjoyable visit however was to a company that build fire engines. I love a good success story and as I sat with Harold Boer the President of Rosenbauer Central States I learned about how a company in a tiny town out in the middle of nowhere got to become the No.2 (from a volume perspective) manufacturer of fire trucks in the USA with worldwide exports.

Harold is the original owner of the company and started it because he lived in a small town that created its own Fire Department and they needed a fire truck so he built one.

Hopefully if his company decide to implement Measurable Management we may get to help them to continue their fairytale success story by becoming the No.1 manufacturer of fire trucks in the USA.

Most small companies are fire fighting for the wrong reasons. It's great to see success stories like this.

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