March 11, 2009

Fighting Recession - American Hairlines

Many thanks to Scott Purcell of the R2 Group in Oregon for his comment on my post titled “Driving In Your Sleep”. Building on Scott’s comment it’s hard not to observe that wherever you turn these days all you seem to hear about are the recession, hard times, job cuts, repossessions, TARP, bailouts and everyone seems to blame everything on the economy. Well let me put a different spin on things:-

I feel that too many of us see recession exclusively as something that is bad for us and fail to see it as something that can be turned into an opportunity. When recessions bite, we need to remember that it hits the competition just as hard as it hits you and therefore you have a great opportunity to attack your competitor’s customer base and squeeze them even harder by being truly customer focused.

Customer focused organizations will always do better in a recession than product focused companies because they are seen by the customer to be offering solutions rather than simply being additional expenditure. The product focused outfit therefore is the one most likely to suffer as a result of the customer's budget cuts. Ask questions of your customers and listen to their answers. By truly understanding what their needs are and proving that you can provide a value for money solution you will differentiate yourself from those who TELL the customer what they need and then bombard them with offers. The only recession that has me worried right now is my fast receding hairline. What's your opinion? Please make your comment below.


  1. Robin,

    I concur with your thoughts. There are more people employed than unemployed. And while it is true that the adjustment for the many who are in transition, it is invaluable for individuals to view this time period as an opportunity for building capacity to meet the needs of now and the future. Organizations are even more challenged to be productive and meet or exceed goals. They share the opportunity for building new capacity. when we focus our attention on customer need and carefully prioritize, there is much success and a terrific win-win-win possibility.

    Thanks for your post and your work!

    Janet M. Harvey

  2. Like Janet I agree with your comments. In a construction market that is in deep recession the Measurable Management program has significantly helped our company become a customer focused organization. To valitate your comments Robin, thanks to this customer focused approach our sales have increased at no extra cost.
    Jim Aalbers
    sales Mgr.
    Building Products Inc.
    Sioux Falls S.D.

  3. Thanks Janet and thanks also to you Jim. I am very aware of the outstanding performance of Building Products Inc. It is living proof that when everyone else in the contruction market is complaining about huge reductions in sales BPI have continued to grow their revenues by listening to the customer base and responding to their needs better than anyone else.
