May 27, 2010

Lean Manufacturing - The Capital Gate Building

Talk about Lean Manufacturing ......This skyscraper is the Capital Gate Building in Abu Dahbi home of the Abu Dabhi Convention Center. It Leans at an incredible 18 degrees almost five times more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is an astonishing example of what teamwork can achieve because the designers worked simultaneously with the construction team and designed the building as it was being constructed. The concrete core was built leaning in the opposite direction to the lean of the building and actually straightened as the building grew and applied stress from the opposite direction. At 160 metres it's not the tallest skyscraper in the world but it has to be the most amazing.

When people say their current Lean initiatives are like Measurable Management its like saying all skyscrapers are the same. The reality is that Measurable Management is to Lean what the Capital Gate Building is to Architecture.

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